Minimal exampleΒΆ

Below you can see a very minimal DLIS file example with two 1D channels (one of which serves as the index) and a single 2D channel.

import numpy as np  # for creating mock datasets
from dlis_writer import DLISFile, enums

# create a DLISFile object
# this also initialises Storage Unit Label and File Header with minimal default information
df = DLISFile()

# add Origin

# number of rows for creating the datasets
# all datasets (channels) belonging to the same frame must have the same number of rows
n_rows = 100

# define channels with numerical data and additional information
#  1) the first channel is also the index channel of the frame;
#     must be 1D, ideally should be monotonic and equally spaced
ch1 = df.add_channel('DEPTH', data=np.arange(n_rows) / 10, units=enums.Unit.METER)

#  2) second channel; in this case 1D and unitless
ch2 = df.add_channel("RPM", data=(np.arange(n_rows) % 10).astype(float))

#  3) third channel - an image channel (2D data)
ch3 = df.add_channel("AMPLITUDE", data=np.random.rand(n_rows, 5))

# define frame, referencing the above defined channels
main_frame = df.add_frame("MAIN-FRAME", channels=(ch1, ch2, ch3), index_type=enums.FrameIndexType.BOREHOLE_DEPTH)

# when all the required objects have been added, write the data and metadata to a physical DLIS file