Implemented EFLR objects

The types of EFLRs implemented in this library are described below. Note: the standard defines several more types of EFLRs.

File Header

File Header must immediately follow a Storage Unit Label of the file. Its length must be exactly 124 bytes. The identifier attribute of the File Header represents the name of the DLIS file. It should be a string of max 65 characters.


Every DLIS file must contain at least one Origin. Usually, it immediately follows the File Header. The Origin keeps key information related to the scanned well, the scan procedure, producer, etc. The creation_time Attribute of Origin, if not explicitly specified, is set to the current date and time (when the object is initialised).

The file_set_number Attribute of an Origin (assigned by user or randomly generated) is used as an Origin reference in other DLIS objects. By default, the file_set_number of the first defined Origin is assigned to all other objects. To indicate that an object originally comes from a different file, the user should create an additional Origin with the relevant information and pass its file_set_number when creating the objects belonging to that Origin.

From RP66:

ORIGIN Objects uniquely identify Logical Files and describe the basic circumstances under which Logical Files are created. ORIGIN Objects also provide a means for distinguishing different instances of a given entity. Each Logical File must contain at least one ORIGIN Set, which may contain one or more ORIGIN Objects. The first Object in the first ORIGIN Set is the Defining Origin for the Logical File in which it is contained, and the corresponding Logical File is called the Origin’s Parent File. It is intended that no two Logical Files will ever have Defining Origins with all Attribute Values identical.


Channel is meant for wrapping and describing data sets. A single channel refers to a single column of data (a single curve, e.g. depth, time, rpm) or a 2D data set (an image, e.g. amplitude, radius).

From RP66:

Channel Objects (…) identify Channels and specify their properties and their representation in Frames. The actual Channel sample values are recorded in Indirectly Formatted Logical Records, when present.

In the standard, Channel does not directly contain the data it refers to, but rather described the data’s properties, such as the unit and representation code.

The dimension and element limit express the horizontal shape of the data, i.e. the number of columns. It is always a list of integers. List of any length would be accepted, but because this implementation only handles 1D and 2D data, this is always a single-element list: [1] for 1D datasets and [n] for 2D datasets, where n is the number of columns in the image (usually 128). In this implementation, dimension and element limit should have the same value. Setting one at initialisation of Channel automatically sets up the other in the same way.

A Frame always refers to a list of channels. The order is important; the first channel is used as the index. When a row of data is stored (wrapped in a Frame Data object), the order of channels as passed to the Frame is preserved.

Channels can also be referred to by Splice, Path, Calibration, Calibration Measurement, Process, and Tool.

On the receiving end, Channel can reference an Axis and/or a Long Name.


Frame is a collection of Channel s. It can be interpreted as a table of numerical data. Channels can be viewed as variable-width, vertical slices of a Frame. Information contained in the Frame (and Channels) is used to generate Frame Data objects, which are horizontal slices of Frame - this time, strictly one row per slice.

Frame has an index_type Attribute, which defines the kind of data used as the common index for all (other) channels in the Frame. The values explicitly allowed by standard are: ANGULAR-DRIFT, BOREHOLE-DEPTH, NON-STANDARD, RADIAL-DRIFT, and VERTICAL-DEPTH. However, because most readers accept other expressions for index type, this library also allows it, only issuing a warning in the logs.

If the index_type is defined, this means that the first Channel in the Frame will be interpreted as its index. If it is absent (left at the default value of None), the Frame is implicitly indexed by the row number instead.

Note: in some DLIS viewer software (e.g the Schlumberger’s Log Data Composer), Frame index is required to be strictly regularly spaced, i.e. the difference between the consecutive values in the index must be the same across the dataset. If the data of the channel which is supposed to be used as the index are not regularly spaced, it might be beneficial to switch to the implicit row-number indexing by removing the index_type specification. The writer issues a warning in the log messages if such irregularity is detected.

Additional metadata defining a Frame can include its direction (INCREASING or DECREASING), spacing (a float value + unit), as well as index_max and index_min. These values are needed for some DLIS viewers to interpret the data correctly. Therefore, if not explicitly specified by the user, these values are inferred from the data: either from the first channel (if index_type is specified) or from the data size (for row-number indexing).

Frame can be referenced by Path.

From RP66:

A Frame constitutes the Indirectly Formatted Data of a Type FDATA Indirectly Formatted Logical Record (IFLR). The Data Descriptor Reference of the FDATA Logical Record refers to a Frame Object (…) and defines the Frame Type of the Frame. Frames of a given Frame Type occur in sequences within a single Logical File. A Frame is segmented into a Frame Number, followed by a fixed number of Slots that contain Channel samples, one sample per Slot. The Frame Number is an integer (Representation Code UVARI) specifying the numerical order of the Frame in the Frame Type, counting sequentially from one. All Frames of a given Frame Type record the same Channels in the same order. The IFLRs containing Frames of a given Type need not be contiguous.

A Frame Type may or may not have an Index Channel. If there is an Index Channel, then it must appear first in the Frame and it must be scalar. When an Index Channel is present, then all Channels in the Frame are assumed to be “sampled at” the Index value. For example, if the Index is depth, then Channels are sampled at the given depth; if time, then they are sampled at the given time, etc. (…)

The truth of the assumption just stated is relative to the measuring and recording system used and does not imply absolute accuracy. For example, depth may be measured by a device that monitors cable movement at the surface, which may differ from actual tool movement in the borehole. Corrections that are applied to Channels to improve the accuracy of measurements or alignments to indices are left to the higher-level semantics of applications.

When there is no Index Channel, then Frames are implicitly indexed by Frame Number.


Within a Logical File, no two Frame Objects may reference the same Channel Object. Informally, this means that if the same “Channel” is to be recorded in two distinct Frame Types in a Logical File, then the Channel must be represented by two distinct Channel Objects (…).


If Attribute Index-Type is absent, then there is no Index Channel and Attributes Direction and Spacing are meaningless and are ignored. When Attribute Index-Type is absent, then Frames are implicitly indexed by the Frame Number. When a Frame has an Index, then it must be the first Channel in the Frame, and it must be scalar.


The DIRECTION Attribute; specifies the behavior of the signed value of the Index. If this Attribute is absent, then Index direction is unknown or irrelevant.


The Spacing Attribute; can be used to indicate a constant spacing of the Index from one Frame to the next. Its value is the signed difference of the later minus the earlier Index between any (and every) two successive Frames of a given Frame Type. Thus, the Spacing Attribute is negative if the Index is decreasing (e.g., an up log) and is positive if the Index is increasing (e.g., a down log). Note that when Attribute Spacing is present, then Attribute Direction is not required. Presence of this Attribute guarantees to the Consumer that Index spacing will be constant for the current Frame Type throughout the Logical File. If the Index spacing is allowed to change, then this Attribute must be absent.


INDEX-MIN Attribute specifies the minimum value of the Index Channel in all Frames of the Frame Type. If there is no Index Channel, then this is the minimum Frame Number, namely 1.


The INDEX-MAX Attribute specifies the maximum value of the Index Channel in all Frames of the Frame Type. If there is no Index Channel, then this is the number of Frames in the Frame Type.


Axis defines coordinates (expressed either as floats or strings, e.g "40 23' 42.8676'' N" is a valid coordinate) and spacing. Axis can be referenced by Calibration Measurement, Channel, Parameter, and Computation.

From RP66:

An Axis Logical Record is an Explicitly Formatted Logical Record that contains information describing the coordinate axes of arrays.

Calibration Coefficient

Calibration Coefficient describes a set of coefficients together with reference values and tolerances. It can be referenced by Calibration.

From RP66:

Calibration-Coefficient Objects record coefficients, their references, and tolerances used in the calibration of Channels.

Calibration Measurement

Calibration Measurement describes measurement performed for the purpose of calibration. It can reference a Channel object and can be referenced by Calibration.

From RP66:

Calibration-Measurement Objects record measurements, references, and tolerances used to compute calibration coefficients.


Calibration object describes a calibration with performed measurements (Calibration Measurement) and associated coefficients (Calibration Coefficient). It can also reference Channel s and Parameter s. The method of a calibration is a string description of the applied method.

From RP66:

Calibration Objects identify the collection of measurements and coefficients that participate in the calibration of a Channel.


A Computation can reference an Axis, Zone s, and a Long Name . Additionally, through source Attribute, it can reference another object being the direct source of this computation, e.g. a Tool. Computation can be referenced by a Process.

The number of values specified for the values Attribute must match the number of Zone s added to the Computation (through zones Attribute).

From RP66:

Computation Objects (…) contain results of computations that are more appropriately expressed as Static Information rather than as Channels. Computation Objects are similar to Parameter Objects, except that Computation Objects may be associated with Property Indicators, and Computation Objects may be the output of PROCESS Objects (…).


Equipment describes a single part of a Tool, specifying its trademark name, serial number, etc. It also contains float data on parameters such as: height, length, diameter, volume, weight, hole size, pressure, temperature, radial and angular drift. Each of these values can (and should) have a unit assigned.

From RP66:

Equipment Objects (…) specify the presence and characteristics of surface and downhole equipment used in the acquisition of data. The purpose of this Object is to record information about individual pieces of equipment of any sort that is used during a job. The Tool Object (…) provides a way to collect equipment together in ensembles that are more readily recognizable to the Consumer.


A Group can refer to multiple other EFLR objects of a given type. It can also keep references to other groups, creating a hierarchical structure.

Long Name

Long Name specifies various string attributes of an object to describe it in detail. It can be referenced by Channel, Computation, or Parameter.

From RP66:

Long-Name Objects represent structured names of other Objects. A Long–Name Object is referenced by (an Attribute of) the Object of which it is the structured name. There are standardized Name Part Types corresponding to the Labels of the Attributes of the Long-Name Object. For each Name Part Type there is a dictionary-controlled Lexicon of Name Part Values. A Name Part Value is a word or phrase. The Long Name is built by selecting those Name Part Types that are applicable to an Object and then selecting for each Name Part Type one or more Name Part Values from the corresponding Lexicons.


A Message is a string value with associated metadata - such as time (datetime or float - number of minutes/seconds/etc. since a specific event), borehole/radial/angular drift, and vertical depth.


A Comment is simpler than a Message object; it contains only the comment text.


No-Format is a metadata container for unformatted data No-Format Frame Data. It allows users to write arbitrary bytes of data. Just like Frame can be thought of as a collection of Frame Data objects, No-Format is a collection of No-Format Frame Data objects.

No-Format specifies information such as consumer name and description of the associated data.

From RP66:

Unformatted Data Logical Records are Indirectly Formatted Logical Records of Type NOFORM that contain “packets” of unformatted (in the DLIS sense) binary data. The Data Descriptor reference of the NOFORM Logical Record refers to a NO-FORMAT Object (…). The purpose of Unformatted Data Logical Records is to transport arbitrary data that is of value to the Consumer, the format of which is known by the Consumer, but which has no DLIS Semantic meaning.

NO-FORMAT Objects identify packet sequences of unformatted binary data. The Indirectly Formatted Data field of each NOFORM IFLR that references a given No-Format Object contains a segment of the source stream of unformatted data. This source stream is recovered by concatenating these segments in the same order in which they occur in the NOFORM IFLRs. Each segment of the source stream is considered under the DLIS to be a sequence of bytes, and no conversion is applied to the bytes as they are placed into the IFLRs nor as they are removed from the IFLRs.


A Parameter is a collection of values, which can be either numbers or strings. It can reference Zone, Axis, and Long Name. It can be referenced by Calibration, Process, and Tool.

From RP66:

Parameter Objects (…) specify Parameters (constant or zoned) used in the acquisition and processing of data. Parameters may be scalar-valued or array-valued. When they are array-valued, the semantic meaning of the array dimensions is defined by the application.


Path describes several numerical values - such as angular/radial drift and measurement offsets - of the well. It can also reference a Frame, Well Reference Point, and Channel s.

From RP66:

Path Objects specify which Channels in the Data Frames of a given Frame Type are combined to define part or all of a Data Path, and what variations in alignment exist. The Index of a Frame Type automatically and explicitly serves as a Locus component of any Data Path represented in the Frame Type whenever Frame Attribute INDEX-TYPE has one of the values angular-drift, borehole-depth, radial-drift, time, or vertical-depth.


A Process combines multiple other objects: Channel s, Computation s, and Parameter s.

From RP66:

[Each Process] describes a specific process or computation applied to input Objects to get output Objects.

The status Attribute of Process can be one of: COMPLETE, ABORTED, IN-PROGRESS.


A Splice relates several input and output Channel s and Zone s.

From RP66:

Splice Objects describe the process of concatenating two or more instances of a Channel (e.g., from different runs) to get a resultant spliced Channel.


A Tool is a collection of Equipment objects (stored in the parts Attribute). It can also reference Channel s and Parameter s, and can be referenced by Computation.

From RP66:

Tool Objects (…) specify ensembles of equipment that work together to provide specific measurements or services. Such combinations are more recognizable to the Consumer than are their individual pieces. A typical tool consists of a sonde and a cartridge and possibly some appendages such as centralizers and spacers. It is also possible to identify certain pieces or combinations of surface measuring equipment as tools.

Well Reference Point

Well Reference Point can be used to specify up to 3 coordinates of a point. The coordinates should be expressed as floats. Well Reference Point can be referenced by Path.

From RP66:

Each well has a Well Reference Point (WRP) that defines the origin of the well’s spatial coordinate system. The Well Reference Point is a fixed point in space defined for each Origin. This point is defined relative to some permanent structure, such as ground level or mean sea level. It need not coincide with the permanent structure, but its vertical distance from the permanent structure must be stated. (…) Spatial coordinates of a well are depth, Radial Drift, and Angular Drift. Depth is defined in terms of Borehole Depth or Vertical Depth.


A zone specifies a single interval in depth or time. The domain of a Zone can be one of: BOREHOLE-DEPTH, TIME, VERTICAL-DEPTH. The expression of minimum and maximum of a Zone depends on the domain. For TIME, they could be datetime objects or floats (indicating the time since a specific event; in this case, specifying a time unit is also advisable). For the other domains, they should be floats, ideally with depth units (e.g. ‘m’).

Zone can be referenced by Splice, Process, or Parameter.

From RP66:

Zone Objects specify single intervals in depth or time. Zone Objects are useful for associating other Objects or values with specific regions of a well or with specific time intervals.